The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature
Klim Brattman
Give me
the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out
of them, the world of
me matter, and I will construct a
world out of it."
Kant, Kant's Cosmology
Natural History and Theory Of
12. Atoms, Their
Nucleus And Electron Configuration
So far, we have
introduced the simplest and most
abundant atomic nucleus --that of
the Hydrogen consisting of a single
proton. However, the situation
complicates itself immensely when we
consider nuclei containing more than
one proton. And that is because of
their periodic outflux bursts, protons by
repelling themselves will not be
able to form a stable unit.
In the current
speculative "new" Physics, to
overcome the impasse created by
the repelling protons, it was
postulated, out-of-the-blue, the
existence of a so-called "strong
force" capable of keeping
them together. That speculative
force, of unknown origin, acting
only at a short distance, was
purported to be mediated by
another speculative particle
[sic!] --the meson coined
in 1934-36 by Hideki Yukawa
in conjunction with Werner
In TRUTON, it goes
without saying, that such a
speculative approach is both
pathetic and repugnant.

of the simplest
In introducing the protons (PRs), we have
recognized that only equiphased
protons repel themselves.
The outphased
protons, on the other
hand, attract themselves. The
problem however is that when two outphased
protons are in contact,
they both become equiphased. As such, to
preserve their respective outphased states, protons must be separated
by neutral buffer bridges that neutrons (NTs) can provide.

Bridge (DIB).
A neutron (NT) in contact and
positioned between two (2) protons
is said to form an interlink
with them and call that singular interlink the neutron
buffer (neb) link
(neblink). If two (2)
protons are interlinked with two (2) neblinks, then they are
said to be interconnected with a doubled
interlinked bridge (DIB). A
DIB (that contains
two neblinks) between two
protons, offers for them obviously
a much stronger and resilient interlink than the one of a
single neblink.
In an
atomic nucleus, called nucletron (or in short, a NUC), its protons are
said to be interconnected
through their neblinks. (Using a
mathematical jargon, we say that
the protons of a NUC are all interconnected modulo neblinks.) In general, for
a NUC to be stable, its
protons and neutrons must arrange
themselves in such a way that each
proton-pair be interconnected with a DIB. A rare exception
however exists for Helium whose
two protons, can be interlinked
only with one neblink, to form the rare
stable NUC of the Helium-3. The most common
stable variant of Helium being however, as
expected from TRUTON, the Helium-4 whose two protons
are interconnected with a DIB rather than with
a neblink.
On the Structure of
a Stable Nucletron
1. All
stable NUCs are
made of outphased
protons that
attract each other.
2. Equiphased
protons by
repelling each other
cannot be part of any
stable NUC.
3. The outphased
protons that
are in contact become
equiphased and,
as such, they cannot
be part of a NUC.
Because of that, the
outphased protons of a
NUC must
have between them neutron-buffers

that is
identical to
the Helium-4
4. The
simplest and most
abundant stable
formation is the one
made of two protons
that are interlinked
through a doubled
interlinked bridge (DIB). Those
populous particles
that are interlinked with
called alpha
(discovered and named
by Ernest
Rutherford), are
in fact the NUCs of the
mentioned Helium-4.
evenness or oddness of
the number of protons
and neutrons of a
long-lived nucletron
(NUC) must
plays an important
factor in its
stability, with the
odd NUCs to be
far less stable. And
that is because of the
DIBs that
are made of a pair of
Legend: "<"--Proton; "="--Neutron
The NUCs
of the first six
Chemical Elements
[rare stable isotope]
Hydrogen (1H)
by having only one proton in its
nucleus, called also protium,
has another stable isotope, called
deuterium (2H),
that contains one proton and one
neutron. The naturally occurring
isotope containing two neutrons,
called tritium, is an
unstable radioactive element,
being thus a degenerated element
of Nature.
Helium-3 (3He)
[stable and less abundant
Helium-4 (4He)
[stable and most abundant
Helium (2He)
with two protons in its nucleus,
has two stable isotopes. Its most
abundant isotope is the one that
contains a DIB in its nucleus,
generating thus the formation of 2
protons (2P) and 2 neuteons (2N),
aka (2P+2N), denoted as 4He.
Its rarest stable isotope is the
one containing not the DIB, but the singular
neblink (2P+1N). That rare
isotope, denoted as 3He,
is difficult to be formed because
of its NUC configuration of
having two outphased protons (2P) interlinked with only one neblink.
Lithium-4 (4Li)
Lithium-6 (6Li)
[stable and less abundant
Lithium-7 (7Li)
[stable and more abundant
Lithium (3Li)
has 3 protons (P). The NUC with 4 neutrons
that is (3P+4N) generates by far
its most stable isotope (denoted
as 7Li), because with
that formation each proton can be
anchored with any other proton
through three (3) neblinks. The other
stable, but less abundant isotope
(denoted as 6Li), has
its NUC composed of 3N+3P
can generate only two (2) neblinks for each of its 3
protons (P).
Beryllium-9: 4P+5N
[sole stable isotope]
Beryllium (4Be)
has 4 protons. Its sole possible
isotope, Beryllium-9 (9Be),
is the one whose NUC has 5 neutrons
that are able to establish three
(3) neblinks for each proton
(<) as represented in the
diagram above.
Boron-10: (10B)
[stable and less abundant
Boron-11: (11B)
[stable and more abundant
Boron (5B)
with 5 protons has two stable
one, with 5 neutrons
(5P+5N) --the B-10 (10B)
the more abundant one
(because of its
greater stability),
with 6 neutrons
(5P+6N) --the B-11 (11B),
as represented in the
diagram above.
Carbon-12 (12C): 6P+6N
[stable and most abundant
Carbon-13 (13C): 6P+7N
[stable and far less
abundant ]
Carbon (6C)
with 6 protons has two stable
isotopes: the one with 6 protons
and the other more rare with 7
protons as represented in the
diagram above.

Niels Bohr
On the
Electron Configuration
(ELcon) within the Atom

Transcendent (RUBOT)

Ernest Rutherford
While the structure
of a stable atomic nucleus (NUC) is relatively
simple, being a proton-neutron
interplay following established
geometrical patters to ensure that
its protons remain outphased, the electron
configuration (ELcon) within
the atom, on the other hand, is
considerable more complex.
Each outphased
proton of a spinning NUC (whose spin was
created, at its very formation,
from various formative collisions)
will generate an uneven undulated
globular inflow field-wave called
the wavelon ball (wab)
around it. That wab will have, in it,
a circular "valley" --called valon--
that is shaped by the proton's influx-outflux cycle.
the field superimposition, NUCs with more than
one outphased proton, would create
around them circular stratified
"valleys" (aka valons) whose distance
from the NUC will increase
--by superimposition-- with the
increase of number of its protons.
The "loose" or "free" electrons
from a NUC's surrondings will be
sucked-in through Downlev (by the inflow
field generated by the NUC's
protons) into the existing valons. Those electrons,
in addition, will acquire a a
back-and-forth oscillatory
spin (ospin) due to the
different angles and the strength
of attraction coming from the NUC.
When the 1st
stratified valon become completely
occupied, the remaining "free"
electrons will be pushed by the
electrons of the 1st valon to the subsequent
stratified valon, and so on. That
electron-push is done through the
electron's inherent XB-cloud. We can talk, as
such, about the electron
packing (ELpack) of a valon and of a maximum
number of electrons that can be
packed into a valon called maxpack.

The ELpack
Saturation Theorem

Maxpacks do not
depend on the size
of valons.
begin with the recognition that
the electron's XB-cloud varies
in size with the ergolevel
(erL) of
its surrounding
environment (being
smaller, i.e., being
shrunken more), the
higher the density of
its environmental
xenofluid (eXF).
this, we add another
recognition, namely
that the field-density
of a valon
decreases proportionally
with the distance from
the NUC.
between the valon's field
rarefaction and the
electron's XB-cloud variation
is the key in here.
valon that is packed to
its fullest is said to be saturated
(SAT). The unsaturated
(UNSAT) valons, on the other
hand, are those that have room in
accepting additional electrons.
The exact numbers of electrons
required for a particular valon to become saturated (i.e., the maxpack) is a number that
only can be obtained from
experimental data.
In the next page,
with the use of experimental data
and additional inferences of the electron
configuration (ELcon) of atoms, a magic maxpack number eight (8)
will pop-out as being a preferred
tendency for many atoms to acquire
for their outer valon (called ovalon).
A locked-in, most stable saturated
ovalon (satov) of
eight (8) electrons
is being created.
Now since the wab has its "roots"
into the spinning NUC from where it
emerged, it follows that the wab (with its valons) will spin
together. The residing embedded electrons (ELs) into the valons, will thus be
dragged to rotate around the NUC generating, as
such, circular tracks called the
electrons' rings (elrings or,
in short, elR).
A radically new
picture begins now to emerge: the
ospinning electrons (ELs) residing in the
rotating valons will begin, from
their inception, to rotate around
the NUC, creating the elrings, as part of their
spinning wab.

On the Chemical
Elements Variants
(CEVs) in Nature
 A pair of protons
of a stable NUC, of course, can be
interconnected not only with a NEB but also, in
addition or separately, with a pab, generating, as
such, the neutron-variants
(nevas) of a stable NUC, called isotopes.
Thus, to a particular chemical
element (chemel), we can
associate its corresponding istopes. For instance,
the mentioned Helium-3 and Helium-4 are said to be
the isotopes of the Helium.
Stable NUCs cannot increase
in size indefinitely. And that is
because, as already noted, there is a
finite maximum number (maxin)
of permanent outphased
protons that can exist
for an atomic
nucleus (NUC) to remain stable.
And that maxin was found
experimentally to be 82
corresponding to the chemical
element Lead (in Latin plumbum
and denoted with the symbol 82Pb).
radioactivity (narad) begins with atoms
whose NUCs contains at least
two distant equiphased
protons. The more equiphased
protons an atom has, the
more radioactive or instable it
becomes. Narad begins with the
chemical element following Polonium (84Po) because Bismuth
(83Bi) that
follows Lead (82Pb)
is a
transitional extremely weak
radioactive element.

F. Soddy

M. Todd
atom, i.e., a chemical
element (chemel), is
defined by the number
of protons its NUC has.
However, the number of
neutron-buffers that a
chemical element has
can vary within
certain limits
dictated by its
stability requirement.
Those neutron-variants
(nevas) of a
chemical element are
called, as stated
above, its isotopes. The
word 'isotope' was
introduced in 1913 by
the English
radiochemist Frederick
Soddy at the
suggestion of the
Scottish MD and
writter Margaret
• The natural
stable isotopes are
indeed the embryonal
players of Nature
• The
short-lived, unstable
isotopes, on the
other hand, are the "rejects"
of Nature (rons).
However, because of
their abundance, rons play
indeed a significant
role in shaping up
Nature creating the
so-called cosmic
rays (corays).
As with respect to
the electron-variants (elvas)
within an atom, a proton can
attract more than one electron and
as such, a NUC can hold more
electrons than the number of its
protons, resulting thus in the
creation of negatively charged
chemical elements.
In a reverse, a chemical
element, once formed, could be
subjected to a "bombardment" of
radiation from its environment
creating a situation where some
its electrons would be knocked
out, creating now a positively
charged chemical element.
Thus, through an environmental
bombardment (enbo),
depending of its intensity, a
chemical element may acquire or
loose one or more electrons
transforming itself from a neutral
particle into a charged one. Those
(elvas) of a chemical
element (chemel) are called its ions.

through that enbo, a chemel acquires
one or more free
electrons, it will
transform itself into
a negatively charged chemel --
that is, a negatively
charged ion
called an anion.
And, to the contrary,
through that enbo, a chemel looses
--by being knocked
out-- one ore more of
its electrons, it will
transform itself into
a positively charged chemel
is, a positively
charged ion
called a cation.
All those concepts of
ions, with
the anion and cation, were
introduced in 1834 by
to a chemical
element (chemel), we can associate
its double sided variants: the isotopes and its charged ions (i.e., its anions and cations).
.Unlike the proton (PR), the neutron (NT) is a composite
unit formed out of a high-speed
collision between a proton and an
electron resulting in the
formation of a unit made of a naked
proton (nakep) and a naked electron
(nakel) --particle
stripped of their charges. Thus,
for the neutron --as a composite
particle, unlike as for the proton that is not [sic!], we need to
entertain the problem of its
the Dual Stability/Instability
Characteristics of
While In/Out
of Atomic Nuclei
The neutron
(NT) is devoid of a
charge, being thus neutral,
because its constituents --the naked proton (nakep) and the naked electron
(nakel) have been
stripped of their respective
The key player in
determining the Neutron's
stability/instability is Downlev that
operate only above the ergobase
(erB) line. Now, since
the ergolib
(erLib) of the NUC is below the ergobase (erB), it follows as
already noted, that Downlev cannot reach the
NUC. As such,
inside the NUC, the
Neutron is safe and stable.
For a Neutron
outside of the NUC, we
have a different situation, as
there the environmental
xenofluid (eXF), by being
above the ergobase (erB) line, will force
Downlev -- the Neutron to
In short, the
limitation of Downlev to reach the atom
assures the neutron's stability in the
NUC. We repeat this
important result as follows:
- Inside
the atom, the neutron
together with the outphased
form the NUC-unit
that is below the BALE
ergoline and, as
such, it is not
subject to the
influence of Downlev.
And that is because
the outphased
form, collectively,
a permanent ergoHole
entity. That lack of
influence from Downlev
provides the
stability of the
Neutron while it is
into the NUC.
- Outside
the atom, the "free"
that now is
separated from the
atom's protons, is
no longer immune
from the influence
of the environmental
Downlev. As
such, the environmental
xenofluid (eXF)
medium, by Downlev,
will force the
disintegration of
the neutron by
separating the naked
electron (nakel)
from the naked
proton (nakep).
Both now, the
"naked" electron and
the "naked" proton
will gradually
retake their
respective original
states of a
particles regaining
their charges:
with the electron (regaining its XB-cloud) and
with the proton becoming "active" again (regaining its coverlon (COV) mantle).
the "Temperature" of
Stable Chemical
recognized, all stable NUCs will contain
only outphased protons. Thus, in
a stable NUC, only one
of its proton is saturated,
the rest being unsaturated. As
such, at any given time, NUCs
will emit only one single ergon.
Depending on the
number of protons that a stable NUC
the emitted ergon can be absorbed
in full, partially or not all by
the NUC. And that is
because, in their influx phases, the
protons of a NUC can --depending
of their number-- absorb entirely,
partially, or not at all, the
released ergon of a saturated proton that has
reached its outburst moment. In fact,
the NUC containing only
one single proton is the only NUC that cannot
absorb or retain any portion of an
emitted ergon.
stable chemels that
are able to release in
their environment all
of their produced ergons, in
full, are the "hot" chemels,
called hotons;
those that are able to
release only a portion
of their produced ergons are
the "warm" chemels,
called warmons; and
finally, those chemels
are not able to
release at all
(totally or partially)
its produced ergons are
the "cold" chemels,

less number of
protons a NUC has, the "warmer" that chemel is going to be. And that is
because a produced ergon-radiation
in the NUC will be able to escape more
readily (totally or
partially) into the
environment when it
encounters a weaker global proton-influx generated by a lesser number
of protons.
the reverse, that is to recognize that the
more number of
protons a NUC has, the "colder" that chemel is going to be due to the
increase in
magnitude of the global proton-influx
created that is able
to absorb a greater
portion of the ergon-radiation.
As such, the
"hottest" chemels are the chemels with
the lowest
number of
protons and
the "coldest" chemel is the one with the maximum
number of
with the Hydrogen (1H) atom
being the sole hoton in Nature and,
followed with the Helium (2He) atom by
being the
hottest warmon;
and with the Lead (82Pb) atom as being the "coldest."
There is no
accident that
all stars are made of those two
"hottest" chemels: H and He.
In addition,
since those
two chemels are the simplest elements of
Nature, they
are also the
most abundant
in the outer
cosmic space.
The ergons released
from hotons and warmons generate also the cosmic background radiation (COBAR).
as we have
seen in
studying the
origin of gravity, plays a pivotal role in the
strenght. That
strenght also
varies in chemels with the most strenght being
provided by
the "coldest" coldon,
i.e., by the Lead (82Pb) atom.
With the
new blueprint
of the atomic
vested in RUBOT,
the next
challenge at
the horizon is
to decipher
the main
of chemels --the
subject for
the next