The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
5. On Energy, Mass, and the Formation of Embryonal Nature (Embryna)

Prena In the previous page, we have introduced Prena as the primeval given entity consisting of various xenobase (XB) blocks gliding at various constant speeds, in various directions, in the surrounding absolute vacuum (AVA) space. That linear translatory (LITRA) motions of those moving objects are representing the given primeval dynamics (PriDyn) that originates in Prena (pN). LITRA motion is thus an integral part of Prena.

As ingredients, the xenobase (XB) was considered to be the given primeval material ingredient, while the absolute vacuum (AVA) was considered to represent the given primeval non-material component. We have called prematter (pM) that primeval admixture of xenobase (XB) and absolute vacuum (AVA). Finally, we have called baseholon (bHL) a XB-block with holes of AVA in it that were called holeons (Øs).

Continuing now with our examination of Prena (pN), we recognize that the only events that are possible to exist there, are the collisions of its various XB-blocks. Thus, if anything is to be created in Prena, then the Collision must be the Creator therein as there is nothing else out there that could exist in creating anything. The acts of creation that Collision would create ought to be of two kinds:
  • one, that can produce stable, self-sustained states of existence that exist after the cause that created them is no longer present, and
  • the other, that can produce unstable states of existence that cannot sustain themselves once they have been created.

In our attempt to build up Nature from the Principles of TRUTON, our primary interest, of course, is in the self-sustained, stable acts of Creation. In
Prena, the only creations that could emerge are those evolving from the given primal xenobase (XB) blocks and their primal linear translatory (LITRA) motions.

Notwithstanding the distinctiveness of those two types of creations, they nevertheless embrace certain common characteristics that are at the substratum of all creations as recognized in

The Fourth
Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (4th UTPOT):
The Ultimate Marks Of (Material) Creation (UMOCs)

. 1. A stable, self-sustained inanimate state of existence that was created has the natural tendency to stay idle and preserve its created state of existence barring the existence of an active undercutting agent. We call that characteristic the preservation tendency mark of creation (PT-UMOC).
. 2. To a created stable, self-sustained inanimate state of existence, we can associate, by PT-UMOC, a resistance to change (RETOC) that is limited in strength and, call that characteristic the resistance limit mark of creation (RL-UMOC).
. 3. A non-null state of existence (created or given) can never ever be able to be transformed or reduced into a null state of existence as there is no transformation or process that can achieve that end. That is to say that an existing non-null state can never ever be made to disappear and thus be reduced or transformed into Nothingness --an entity devoid of everything but its own existence and, whose "fabric" is the absolute vacuum (AVA). We call that characteristic, the permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC).
. 4. There is no physical transformation in Nature or anywhere else that can convert Nothingness into a non-null state of existence. That is to say that a no-null state of existence can never be created out of the null state of existence. We call that characteristic, the substantive foundational mark of creation (SF-UMOC).
. 5. A material state of existence that was able to be created in one place, can be created in a multitude of other places of similar conditions as there is no rationale from barring that to happen. We call that characteristic, the multitude existential mark of creation (ME-UMOC).
6. A material state of existence can never ever be characterized by parameters or processes whose values are infinite, be it in magnitude, duration, or evolution. All material parameters and processes of a creation in Nature have finite values.

No physical parameter of a material creation can increase or decrease in its value indefinitely.

No natural process in Nature can ascend or descend indefinitely.

evotop No act of creation can evolve and ascend indefinitely in Nature without a finite end, called the evolutionary top (evotop), as being the creation's ceiling of existence.

We call that multiple finitude characteristic, the
finite value mark of creation (FV-UMOC).

there is no
                                                      God here


Now, to the ultimate marks of creation (UMOCs) expressed in the above 4th UTPOT, we add below these remarks:

. Remark 1: The preservation tendency mark of creation (PT-UMOC) assures that barring the existence of an undermining agent, a newly formed state of existence will preserve indefinitely its new acquired state of existence. In particular, we note the preservation of the xenobase (XB) is implemented through BAREC.
. Remark 2: COBARThe resistance limit mark of creation (RL-UMOC) implies the existence of a concealed base resisting (COBAR) force inforceto change its status and which when applied to motion leads to the concept of inertia and of the existence of an endowed inertial force (inforce).
  • linin For linear motions, we can talk about linear inertia (linin) that become visible in an accelerated or decelerated linear motion.
  • rotin For rotational motions, we can talk about rotational inertia (rotin), known also as the moment of inertia, that becomes visible through the effects of the well known radial centrifugal (CF) force and of the less known transversal Coriolis and Euler forces.

Contrary to the current ill-existing representation, these concealed base resisting (COBAR) forces are not fictional, fictitious, or apparent as they are being purported to be, but they are REAL existing independently from our own existence! (BTW, Physics does not deal with fictional, imaginary entities and concepts as they are not part of its studies!)
.As motion is a REAL phenomenon being independent from our own existence, so is the inforce that emerges from motion. The real existence of inforce surfaces when motion transforms from a constant velocity to a variable one --be it a variation in direction or a variation in speed.
.The recognition that motion is endowed from its birth with a force --the inertial force (inforce) brings us to the monumental unifying recognition of Nature vested into
The Fourth Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (4th FURON): 
Force as the Ultimate Substratum Of Nature (USON)


Force by being the integral part of both mattter and motion (mamo) represents the ultimate substratum of Nature (USON), with matter being endowed with compressional force (comforce) while motion being endowed with the inertial force (inforce).


inforce Remark 3: Prematter (pM) was defined as an admixture of xenobase (XB) and absolute vacuum (AVA), and wrote this symbolically pM={XB, AVA}.
ergovoid Now, both the XB and AVA can be infused with inforce generating a compressional xenosubstance (cXS) and an "infused" vacuum to be called below ergovoid (erV), respectively.

  Defining Types of Matter and Mass  

We call matter (M) the newly created admixture of cXS and erV and write this symbolically
M={cXS, erV}.
, the compressed xenosubstance (cXS) could be xenofluid (XF) or xenorigid (XR).
We call elusive matter (elma or el
M), the matter composed of xenofluid (XF) and, call regular matter (reM), the matter composed of xenorigid (XR). Symbolically, we can write all this as follows:
elM={XF, erV} and reM={XR, erV}, respectively.
, we call regular mass or simply mass the amount of regular matter an object has.
nullon Objects made of elusive matter (elma) are said to have null mass and called nullons. They simply are said of being massless.
masson Objects made of regular matter are said to have regular mass and called massons.

. Remark 4: PECThe permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC), assures that no object or constituent of Nature could ever be able to disappear and transform into Nothingness aka, into an absolute vacuum (AVA). On that front, Nature's objects and constituents are said to be endowed with a permanent existential characteristic (PEC).
. Remark 5: By the substantive foundational mark of creation (SF-UMOC), it follows that Einstein's relativistic mass formulated in his Special Theory of Relativity is an impossibility to exist being thus a lunacy devoid of any sense. Mass cannot be created out of Nothingness through motion or through any other physical process.

Remark 6: By the recognition of multiple places of existence as noted above under ME-UMOC, we recognize that isolated parcels of Nature, called naturets, separated by the absolute vacuum (AVA) medium, are in existence. That recognition is able to provide for us with the most general representation of Nature --that of being an aggregate of naturets separated by the AVA medium. Our naturet where our Universe resides, is always writen with a capital letter, Naturet.
. Remark 7: By the finitude, i.e., by the finite value mark of creation (FV-UMOC), it follows that no creation can exist indefinitely. Every creation in Nature has a beginning and an end, and thus has a finite duration.
selfdes By evotop, evolution cannot ascend indefinitely as it must have build into it, an induced self-destructive (selfdes) mechanism. We mark that recognition into
The Fifth
Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (5th FURON): 
On the Finitude Mark of Evolution

Evolution cannot continue to ascend in perpetuity as, from its birth, it must be endowed with an ascended self-destructive (selfdes) mechanism that ultimately will lead to its demise.

Discovering the selfdes mechanism for each type of evolutionary formation, be it for the inanimated matter (like that of a star or galaxy) or for animated matter (encompassing evolutionary biological mass extinctions) is paramount in understanding the underlying finitude evolutionary mechanisms that governs Nature.
In the pages to follow
, we will reveal in detail some of those selfdes evolutionary mechanisms.


While here
, let us note now that in Prena (pN), the sole primeval physical parameter in existence is the density. And that implies that out of the density concept (densicon), all other physical parameters and states of existence must be created or derived from. We mark that remarkable recognition into
The Fifth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (5th UTPOT):
Density --The Ultimate Physical Parameter Of Nature (Tuppon)

The material density, by being the sole primeval physical parameter of Prena, stands therefore at the foundation of all other physical parameters to be born out of Prena (such as temperature, gravity, etc.). In this respect therefore, the material density represents the ultimate physical parameter of Nature (uppon) from where all other physical parameters and states of existence must be created, rooted, or derived from.


By the finite value mark of creation (FV-UMOC), it follows that the material density nor any other physical parameter can reach the infinite value --a concept of Mathematics that has no counterpart or meaning in the physical realm of Nature.
Only to non-physical mental concepts or entities (such as the Space or Time) we can associate, in a meaningful manner, infinite parameters.

POP-UP, popup
The simple recognition that an increment in density (and nothing else) of the xenobase (XB) substance will generate --through compression-- all the available new qualitative states of existence of the compressed xenobase (cXB), makes us realize that the variation in one direction of a physical parameter will eventually lead to new qualitatively material states of existence. A qualitatively new state will "pop-up" from the old state as a result that its physical parameter will fall outside the range of RETOC associated with that old state of existence. We mark this central recognition of how a new state of existence is being born out of an old one in


The Sixth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (6th UTPOT):
The Pop-Up Principle Of Creation (PUPOC)
popUPA physical parameter of a particular state of existence by continuously increasing or decreasing its value will eventually reach a point where its value will fall outside the range its resistivity to change (RETOC) of that particular state. When that happens, a new qualitatively state of existence, called popup, will emerge as it will be popping-up. Thus, always a new state of existence (i.e., a popup) is being created through an abrupt pop-up jump or saltation.

Sub-Remark A: In Evolutionary Biology, this leaping (or the pop-up) principle represents its pillar in understanding the formation of a new species where the gradual cumulative trait in one single direction will lead into the "popping-up" of a new species. The evolutionary "leaps" are therefore a straightforward consequence of this principle and it represents the cornerstone of understanding how new species are being formed: not through a linear continuous transformation, but through evolutionary "jumps" or "leaps" or "saltations" as recognized first in 1972 by the American paleontologists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University.

Sub-Remark B: The first recognition that in general "quantitative change leads to qualitative change" was done by the great German idealist philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel who in 1874 published the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences where, in its section "The Logic," he gave this beautiful example with respect to the consequences of the variation of temperature for water:
G. W. F.


G. W. F. Hegel
"... the temperature of water is, in the first place, a point of no consequence in respect of its liquidity: still with the increase or diminution of the temperature of the liquid water, there comes a point where this state of cohesion suffers a qualitative change, and the water is converted into steam or ice." [Underline supplied.]

Karl Marx

.However, Hegel considered all that recognition as being a Law of Logic or Thought rather than a Law of Nature. It was the philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that reversed completely that dialectics created by Hegel and transformed it into a materialistic dialectics where Hegel's laws became laws of Nature rather than laws of Thought. Indeed, Karl Marx in his Das Kapital, vol.1 noted that Hegel's idealism "is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought" turning thus Hegel's dialectics "upside down."

Changing direction, and turning our attention to the
motion --the other primeval given ingredient of Prena (pN), we enunciate now

The Universal Theorem Of Motion (TUTOM)
The Principle Of Motion Preservation (Pomp) in Absolute Vacuum:
The Principle Of Absolute Inertia (Pofai)

Material objects, in an absolute vacuum (AVA) medium, moving at a constant speed or at rest, have the natural tendency to preserve their existing state of motion or rest, continuously resisting any change of their existing state of uniform motion or rest.




That principle of motion preservation (pomp) in AVA leads to the
absolute inertia (abin) concept. From there, the Principle Of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) emerges.


We need to prove that in
Prena, the Pofai emerges.
, by being an act of real creation, and being part of Prena's PriDyn, will subscribe to all marks of creation (UMOCs) enunciated above in the 4th UTPOT.

The principle of motion preservation (pomp) springs from the preservation tendency mark of creation (PT-UMOC) and its resistance to change (RETOC). That, by being done in the absolute vacuum (AVA) medium, will trigger the Principle Of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) whose subject is no other than the absolute inertia (abin) concept.


Historical Remarks and Observations on Pofai:


.1. Some 2000 years ago, Aristotle (circa 335 BC to 322 BC), who vehemently rejected the existence of an absolute vacuum (AVA) in Nature, noted this much in his book of Physics:

19. (4) "In a void there is no reason why a thing should stop here rather than there; so if it moves at all, it will move for ever." And,
22. (5) "Things are supposed to move into a void because it is yielding; but a void is equally yielding everywhere, so that there should be movement in every direction."

Aristotle's Physics.
Revised text with Introduction and commentary by Sir W. David Ross;
1998 Oxford University Press; pp. 380-381, § 215(a) points 19(4) and 22(5)





.2. Many centuries latter, after the works of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton in his seminal Principia (Definition III) defined inertia, if our reading is correct, to be an innate property of matter as follows:

"The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting, by which every body, as much as in it lies, continues in its present state, whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forwards in a right line." [Underline supplied.]




Sir Isaac Newton's Principia
Motte's Translation
University of Calliforna Press, 1966, Vol, I, p. 2.

Newton considered inertia (if our reading above is correct) to be an "innate force" of matter. Let us make this point clear: matter does not possess such a thing. Inertia, in fact, is not a property of matter, but is a property of motion.
Motion, and not matter, is endowed with that "innate force." While it is true that both matter and motion subscribe to the same tendency of preserving their respective states (PT-UMOC) and, that both have an inherent resistance to change (RETOC) --they nevertheless reside on totally different plateaus of existence and, as such, they never ever can be interchanged one with another in a meaningful way. This very point is again emphasized in a subsequent page in here.

.3. Another attribute given to the inertial force (inforce) is that it is not a real, but a fictitious, force! For starters, let us again make this clear: Physics does not deal with fictitious or phantom forces or entities!! Those type of subjects are outside of the realm of Physics or of any Natural Sciences. All the so-called pseudo-forces are real forces that exist in Nature. They are not fictional, imaginary entities. Isaac Newton brilliantly described the inertial force as a real force with a dual characteristic --that of resistance and of an impulse as follows:
Newton's Commentary on Inertia Posted in his Definition III

"This force is always proportional to the body whose force it is and differs nothing from the inactivity of mass, but in our manner of conceiving it. A body, from the inert nature of matter, is not without difficulty put out of its state of rest or motion. Upon which account, this vis insita may, by a most significant name, be called inertia (vis inertiæ) or force of inactivity. But a body only exerts this force when another force, impressed upon it, endeavors to change its condition; and the exercise of this force may be considered as both resistance and impulse; it is resistance so far as the body, for maintaining its present state, opposes the force impressed; it is impulse so far as the body, by not easily giving way to the impressed force of another, endeavors to change the state of that other. Resistance is usually ascribed to bodies at rest, and impulse to those in motion; but motion and rest, as commonly conceived, are only relatively distinguished; nor are those bodies truly at rest, which commonly are taken to be so." [Underline supplied.]

ibidem, Definition III from Principia


.4. Finally, we know what inertia is. It is not an attribute of matter as apparently Newton considered to be, but is an attribute of motion as derived in UTOM and amplified in the above Remark 2. However, let us note that therein inertia was considered to exist with respect to an absolute vacuum (AVA) medium that was well understood back to the time of Aristotle.



R. Feynman
.How the absolute inertia (abin) is being transmitted from an absolute vacuum (AVA) medium into the cosmic material medium of Nature? is a different question that needs yet to be answered. In short, how abin vested in Pofai can be transposed from the vacuum medium into the cosmic medium (that is not vacuum) is the question that is facing us.
.Richard Feynman in his book "The Character Of Physical Law" (MIT Press, 1965, p. 19) noted in fact, on that very issue, the following:

"The reason why [cosmic] things coast for ever has never been found out. The law of inertia [in the cosmic space] has no known origin." [Underline supplied.]

Thus, Feynman's question as to WHY objects coast forever in the cosmic space of Nature (that is far from being an absolute vacuum medium), is --as stated-- the question that has yet to receive its answer. And that will happen only after we have identified the material nature of the cosmic space.

  On the Energy Concept   
.The concept of energy -- has been indeed an intriguing concept that has baffled physicists, other scientists, philosophers and thinkers for quite some time, being unresolved, in fact, to this very day. That state of incertitude was perhaps best described by the late Physics Nobel Laureate Professor Richard Feynman (photo in here and above) who noted this in his famous Lectures on Physics (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1963) in Section 4-1 entitled "What Is Energy?," as we quote:

"Energy has a large number of different forms, and there is a formula for each one. These are: gravitational energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, elastic energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, nuclear energy, mass energy. If we total up the formulas for each of these contributions, it will not change except for energy going in and out. It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is."

Asides from elucidating what energy is, another fundamental line of inquiry that comes up is this one:

All forms of energy that have been identified in Nature must arguably have a common source of primeval energy (primen) as Nature's energy, pursuant to the substantive foundational mark of creation (SF-UMOC), could not have been created or infused out of Nothingness (an entity devoid of everything, but its own existence). And the place to look for that primen must be, no other, than Prena --the state of the preexisting Nature.


So, as you can see, we have a full plate in front of us!

Currently, energy is being defined as the "ability" to do work or create heat. Well, that definition of energy is not acceptable on the grounds that it lacks any physical substratum being par excellence a non-physical definition that needs to reside outside of the realm of Physics. Indeed, the "ability" or "disability" to do something cannot stand in lieu of a physical parameter, property, or entity. As such, energy cannot be defined as an ability of some sort, but it must be defined as being something else having a physical origin and connotation. Therefore, our quest in elucidating the energy concept must be centered in discovering its physicality that must exist and, as such, it need not be embedded or associated with our mental existence.



We begin our quest in elucidating the physical nature of the primeval energy (primen) by noting first that the Collision of various xenobase (XB) blocks, which is a natural occurrence in Prena, carries with it a hit force, called hitoforce (hF).

inforce That hitoforce (hF), upon impact on an unconstrained xenobase (XB) block, will not vanish transforming into Nothingness, but, by Newton's First Law Of Motion (FLOM), it will transform into an inertial force (inforce) of impingement.

G. W. Leibnitz
G. W. Leibnitz


hitoforce (hF) can be viewed, to use Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz lingo, as a "living force" (from Latin "vis viva") or, in our parlance, as a "moving force."

KINENIn Classical Physics, that "vis viva" or "moving" force eventually evolved and renamed as the energy of motion force which is known today as the kinetic energy of motion or simply as the kinetic energy (kinen). That kinen is an "active" energy in the sense that is inherently associated with motion.

ergoforce In TRUTON, we call "ergo" force, that "vis viva" force, which is denoted herein as ergoforce (erF).

When a stricken
xenobase (XB) block is constrained and resist motion, the associated hitoforce (hF), upon impact, will not disappear and transform into Nothingness, but it will infuse and diffuse into the XB-block generating a qualitative new mass --the xenofluid (XF) mass. That infused and diffused hitoforce (hF) into the xenobase (XB) creates a field force called ergofield (erF) that can also be viewed as a field dispersed ergoforce (erF).
It is important to recognize that the
Collision, which generated the xenofluid (XF) mass, endowed that mass with an ErgoStorage --a foundational concept of matter that needs to be differentiated from prematter.

We call that infused ergofield (erF) into a defined volume as being the field ergoenergy (erE) stored in that volume.

If that initial volume is
absolute vacuum (AVA), then that infused AVA with ergoenergy (erE) transforms itself into an energy vacuum field (vacfield) called ergovoid (erV).

If that initial volume is xenobase (XB), then that infused XB with ergoenergy (erE) becomes xenofluid (XF) or ergofluid (erFL).

In short, we say that a xenofluid (XF) mass is a xenobase (XB) mass infused with ergoenergy (erE).

We call xenogel (XG) the maximum "up" density value of the xenofluid (XF) and call xenothin (XT) its minimum "down" density value.

arrow comforce The primal ergoenergy (erE) in Prena emerged as the resultant of an infused compressional force (comforce) of impingement into a xenobase (XB) mass that opposes resistance to motion. We can talk then about the density of the ergoenergy (erE), called ergodensity (erD), that corresponds to the strength or the power of the generating hitoforce (hF).

Ergolev We call ergomass (erM) a xenosubstance (XS) endowed with ergoenergy (erE) and call ergolev (erL) the magnitude level of that ergoenergy (erE).

The compression of a xenobase (XB) mass cannot go indefinitely, as it will exist a maximum finite limit of compression when the compressed XB (or the compressed xenofluid) will transform into a new state called, as introduced, the xenorigid (XR).

There, in the xenorigid (XR), its ergoenergy (erE) is said to be locked-in and call that locked-in ergoenergy, the ergolock (erLok). The xenorigid (XR) therefore is said to be endowed with locked-in ergoenergy, i.e., with the erLok.

The mobile
, unlocked, or "liberated" ergoenergy (erE) is called the ergolib (erLib).


1) The ergolib (erLib) of the xenorigid (XR) is null being ergo-locked and write this as erLib(XR)=0.
) The ergolib (erLib) of the xenofluid (XF) is its ergolev (erL) and write this as erLib(XF)=erE(XF).
) The ergolib (erLib) of the xenobase (XB) mass is also null being

either tensioned (see BAREC) and, as such, locked
or being pristine, never infused with
ergoenergy (erE).


We write this as erLib(XB)=0.

Thus, the
ergoenergy (erE) encompasses both the ergolock (erLok) and the ergoLib. We can write this as erE=erLok+erLib.

ergovoidFor an absolute vacuum (AVA) domain that is infused with an ergofield (erF), we obtain the corresponding ergovoid (erV) with its ergolev (erL) being the magnitude of the infused ergofield (erF). More details on the ergovoid (erV) are below.

We call ergosea (erS), the arena of existence (arex) of the
ergoenergy (erE) of the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium that is above the xenobase (XB) line.

BALEThe ergofield (erF), i.e., the ergoforce (erF) that is ingrained into the xenofluid (XF) is responsible for creating the XF's tendency to decompress and diffuse to a so-called baselevel (BALE) state called the ergobase (erB) state that is the state of the tensioned xenobase (tXB) created by the inertia of decompression (inerdec). The motor of that tendency to decompress is therefore due to the xenofluid's ingrained ergoforce (erF) that plays here the role of fordec.

RENOWe call that tendency of the xenofluid (XF) to decompress to its ergobase (erB) state, the renormalization (RENO) property of XF which, by the way, has nothing to do with the renormalization of Quantum Field theory of Quantum Mechanics. RENO exists because of the ergoenergy (erE) imbedded into the xenofluid (XF) that has the tendency to diffuse until it reaches the xenobase (XB) state.

DOWNLEVerdy By the dispersion property of erE, fueling the dynamics of environmental xenofluid (eXF), called ergodynamics (erdy), we introduce now the DownLevel (Downlev) law reflecting eXF's down level tendency to decompress due to the existence of the ingrained ergoforce (erF) that plays the role of fordec. As such, RENO of eXF is a straightforward derivative of Downlev which has its seeds in gupem.

Remark: Let us note that Downlev's arena of existence (arex) is the ergosea (erS). Outside the "boundaries" of the ergosea (erS), "below" or "above," Downlev does not exist!

Continuing, we note that there is another recognition that needs to be made --namely, the recognition that a hitoforce (hF) upon impact on a XB-block that opposes no resistance to motion, it will not travel with, be attached to, or be imbedded or infused into the stricken XB-block. That recognition was most eloquently articulated by Newton, when explaining inertia, in his seminal Principia (Definition IV, ibidem), where he noted:

"This force consists in the action only, and remains no longer in the body when the action is over. For a body maintains every new state it acquires, by its inertia only."

.Remark: It is important to stress and differentiate between the case when the XB-block opposes and resist motion and the case when it is not.
In the former case, when resistance to motion does exist, Newton assertion that the force "remains no longer in the body"


is no longer correct as the
hitoforce (hF), as we have seen, stays now in the body and transforms itself into ergoenergy (erE) and the body's mass is being transformed into a new type of mass called ergomass (erM). The xenofluid (XF) is the "active" erM while the xenorigid (XR) is the "inactive" erM as being "frozen" or "locked-up."

2) Now, in the latter case, when the XB-block does not opposes any resistance to a hitoforce (hF), Newton does not tell what actually did happen with that hitoforce (hF). The only thing that he mentioned was that that hitoforce (hF), upon the hit, is "no longer in the body when the action is over."

Well, we still need to know what actually did happen with that hitoforce (hF). As such, the question that requires an answer is this:
Upon the hit,
WHAT actually did happen to that detached hitoforce (hF)?

As already noted, we know from the permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC) that something that was created (in this case, the hitoforce) cannot vanish and transform into Nothingness. Thus, in this case, we have to ask this question that is facing us:
.Into what that hitoforce (hF) will be transformed into?

BAFIWell, the answer is that the separated hitoforce (hF) from the stricken XB-block will diffuse into the surrounding vacuum generating a force-field, called ergofield (erF), until it reaches its baselevel (BALE) state called basefield (BAFI).



ergovoid That ergofield (erF) infused into an absolute vacuum (AVA) medium, called ergovoid (erV), will decompress to the lowest finite base limit level of decompression called, the ergobase (erB) state, creating the base vacuum field (vacfield) entity, called the xenovoid (XV) or the basevoid (BV) entity.

The ergofield (erF) at its ergobase (erB) level of existence is called, as stated, basefield (BAFI). The extent of the created basefield (BAFI) is function of the strength of the hitoforce (hF): the greater its magnitude is, the greater that extent of the created BAFI is going to be.

CAV Thus, to recap, the xenovoid (XV) or the basevoid (BV), by being at the lowest attainable field density, is the maximum decompressed ergovoid (erV) whose sustratum is the ergobase (erB). As such, now we can talk about the invisible base vacuum field (vacfield) "clouds" of xenovoid (XV) or basevoid (BV) that are "floating" in the cosmic absolute vacuum (CAV) medium.

It is important to stress that the base vacfields "clouds" (aka the XV-clouds) are of various sizes corresponding to the magnitude of the ergofields (erFs) that created them.
It is also important to recognize that those XV-clouds cannot be assimilated by their absolute vacuum (AVA) medium as they are autonomous entities. click




A fundamental characteristic of a
basefield (BAFI), and thus of the new type of vacuum --the xenovoid (XV), is that, by being at the lowest attainable field density, it can no longer be decompressed (and thus be stretched) any further.

                                                          lattice 3d
                                                          lattice 3d
   Grid Lattice 3D structures


 xenovoid's basenet
basenet gridlatThat creates a rather subtle invisible impenetrable radiation field wall, called basenet (figure at right). Any radiation entering into a xenovoid (XV) to propagate will encounter that impenetrable basenet of a grid lattice (gridlat) 3D structure. The result is that a radiation entering into a xenovoid (XV) will no longer be able to propagate linearly as it will splatter on the basenet propagating radially perpendicular to the direction of motion. A perpetual perpendicular bouncing will take place.
elfi Thus, because of the basenet, a perpendicular wave propagation is being created, that is at the substratum of the electromagnetic field (elfi) radiation.
BAFI can be compressed but not decompressed and call bafiflex that unilateral flexibility. The xenobase (XB) is also endowed with the same bafiflex property being ingrained with the material rather than field basenet.
BAFI has been recognized to be the substratum of xenovoid (XV) named also basevoid (BV). And that implies that the XV/BV is endowed with some sort of baselevel (BALE) vacuum energy called herein ergovoid (erV).

The existence of such "vacuum energy" was first recognized to exist by Hendrik B. G. Casimir with Dirk Polder by detecting field fluctuations in vacuum in an experiment, that was repeated many times over, and referred today as the Casimir effect.

Fundamental Remark (FUREM):
xenovoid (XV) cannot be stretched, it opposes no resistance to being penetrated by a material object. So material objects, unlike the ergofield (erF) radiation, can travel unabated through a xenovoid (XV) volume.

That distinction between the moving material objects and the emitted ergofield (erF) radiation reveals the subtility of the basenet (that resides at the lowest density level) in the two platforms: the material one (i.e., the xenobase basenet) and, the field one (i.e., the xenovoid/basevoid basenet).

, we note that the "fabric" of the xenovoid (XV), that is the basefield (BAFI), can never ever be able to be transformed into Nothingness, i.e., into a volume of absolute vacuum (AVA). And that is because of the permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC) which guarantees the xenovoid's permanent state of existence.

The physical existence of the ergoforce/ergofield (erF) introduced above was pioneered by Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell in their studies of electromagnetism and below, we present a succinct historical note viewed through the lens of TRUTON.

On the Physical Reality of the Ergoforce/Ergofield (erF)


M. Faraday
Michael Faraday was the first, and perhaps the only one, to recognize of the real existence of the force-field polysemy, as a stand-alone physical entity, in his studies of the magnetic and electric force/fields and of their unification into the electromagnetic force/fields. In fact, Faraday became more and more convinced during his life of the physical reality of those 'force fields' whose nature, in the end, he considered to be a substance of some sort through which the "lines of force" (electric or magnetic) show their existence.


J. C. Maxwell
On the other hand,
James Clerk Maxwell in his famous 4-part paper "On Physical Lines of Force" that is modeled on the "lines of force" introduced by Faraday, and where the famous tensor equations of electromagnetism are being introduced, would not subscribe to the Faraday's conjecture of a stand-alone physical entity for the force-field polysemy.

Maxwell instead, in his approach of finding a tensorial representation for the transmission of electric and magnetic forces, considered those transmissions to be states of stress and strain that were produced in the assumed aether medium of Nature.

EinsteinThat physical reality envisioned by Maxwell, following into the steps of Faraday, vanished completely with the advent of Einstein's Relativity which eliminated the existence of the aether medium altogether and replaced it, astonishingly, with Nothingness. With that elimination of a non-void medium of Nature, as advanced by Einstein some 100 years ago, Physics has been sucked in entering into an unfathomable dark path of the abyss from where now it must find its way out...

                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
Max Planck
It is indeed the aim of TRUTON not only to dethrone the lunatic Einstein's Relativity, but also to pull back Physics from the "Black Hole" that it has fallen into. Its golden and rather tumultuous rational path of advancement eventually needs to surface and reign supreme again...

Viewed from the vista of TRUTON, both Faraday and Maxwell exhibited a correct physical representation of the force-field polysemy with Maxwell's representation being a direct and straightforward inference derived from Faraday's monumental stand-alone conjecture.

Indeed, the aether medium, that in TRUTON is the xenofluid (XF) medium, exists because it contains ergoenergy (erE) that was infused at XF's birth with the stand-alone ergoforce/ergofield (erF). However, the stand-alone ergoforce/ergofield (erF) can be infused not only into a xenobase (XB) block to create the xenofluid (XF), but it also can be infused into an absolute vacuum (AVA) that exists in Prena (pN) generating an ergovoid (erV).

The ergovoid (erV) upon decompression reaching the base level state --the ergobase (erB)-- transforms itself into a base level ergovoid (erV) called xenovoid (XV). Through that "ergo" vista, we are able to see now the parity that exists between the material and non-material environments as follows:
In Prena
(devoid of ergoenergy):
In Nature
(infused with ergoenergy):


Xenobase (XB)
Xenorigid (XR)


Absolute Vacuum (AVA)
Ergovoid (erV)
Xenovoid (XV)

An entity (material or non-material) infused with ergoenergy (erE) is called an ergoentity (erEN). Thus, ergoentities (erENs) could be either a ergomass (xenofluid/ergofluid or xenorigid/ergorigid) or an ergovoid.

In TRUTON, to avoid the confusion with the 'field concept' employed in Mathematics, we shall use, for the 'field' to be employed in Physics, the terminology of 'ergofield'. Also to distinguish the concept of 'force' employed in Mechanics or Mathematics from the one to be used in Physics, we will use in here the 'ergoforce' nomenclature. The "ergo" prefix always will have the connotation of possessing 'energy'. That "ergo" nomenclature is very much in tune with Leibnitz's "vis viva" ("living force") lingo.

In the classical non-trutonian lingo, the three (3) resultant acts of creation springing from the hitoforce (hF) --the motion, the xenofluid, and the ergovoid-- as diverse as they are, have a commonality among them, namely, that they are endowed, at their birth, with something that is called primal energy (primen). The energy resulted from motion is called mechanical energy, the one resulted from xenofluid is called the material energy, and the one resulted from the dispersion of force is called the field energy.

Thus, in summary, we come to the recognition that primal energy (primen) exists in three (3) basic forms:

that of a motion, called the mechanical energy, energy of motion, or the kinetic energy;
that of a substance, called ergosubstance (ES) --seated either in the xenofluid (XF) that, if unconstrained, will free completely its acquired ergoenergy (erE) returning back to its baselevel (BALE) state of existence --the xenobase (XB), or in the xenorigid (XR) that entraps and freezes/immobilizes its acquired ergoenergy (erE) transforming it into frozen energy (frE), and
that of a field, called ergofield (erF) --seated in the ergovoid (erV) that will diffuse into the xenovoid (XV) state.

Thus, the conversion of a
hitoforce (hF) could be vested in the creation of a new motion (potential or kinetic) called the dynamic conversion, OR could be vested in the creation of a field, the ergofield (erF), called the field conversion, that when infused into an absolute vacuum (AVA) will generate the xenovoid (XV) and, when infused into a xenobase (XB) generating a substance conversion vested in the creation of a new substance that is the xenofluid (XF) or the xenorigid (XR).

Let us note that the conversion of a hitoforce (hF) needs not be confused with its effect that it can have in various situations. For instance, the non-elastic deformations or the fractures are the effect-results of a released energy that need not be confused with the energy itself.

Those three (3) forms in which primal energy (primen) can exist ---motion-substance-field-- shows the complex multifaceted existence of energy.

Additional Remarks:
.The xenobase (XB) mass has been defined as a material continuum of the lowest existing density that can only be compressed but not decompressed or stretched. On the other extreme, we call xenorigid (XR) the maximum compressed xenosubstance (cXS). Collectively, all those three introduced states --the xenobase (XB), xenofluid (XF), and the xenorigid (XR) are said to form the states of existence of the xenosubstance (XS).
.Using the "ergo" terminology that is applicable only for the compressed xenosubstance (cXS), we get the ergosubstance (ES) with its states of existence --the ergofluid (erFL) and ergorigid (ER).
.The extreme states of existence of the xenosubstance (XS), the xenobase (XB) --that is the maximum decompressed tensioned state of the XS and the xenorigid (XR) -- that is the maximum compressed state of XS, have one common characteristic namely that they are capable of entrapping (without the possibility of escape) their acquired ergoenergy (erE).

.We call xentropy that ironclad-entrapment of ergoenergy (erE) by the tensioned xenobase (tXB) and by the xenorigid (XR). Those two extremes states of the xenosubstance (XS) freeze their respective acquired ergoenergies (erEs) making them, in both cases, unavailable to be released.
.We can talk thus of the xentropy of the xenobase called basetropy and, of the xentropy of the xenorigid called uptropy. The introduced frozen energy (frE) is the result of xentropy.

Note: The name "xentropy" was borrowed from the entropy concept of Thermodynamics representing the "thermodynamic quantity" that is not available to be converted into mechanical work by the system's thermal energy.

After all this, we mark now our stated recognition on the energy's multifaceted existence into


The Seventh Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (7th UTPOT):
On Energy's Multifaceted Existence

   A hitoforce upon striking a xenobase (XB) block will not cease its existence as it will convert into a motion, or into a substance, or into a field.
  •• The transmission of the three (3) possible conversions of the hitoforce (hF) will generate three (3) new and distinct capabilities called respectively the mechanical, the material, and the field energies.
••• The commonality of all those three (3) forms of energy is that they all spring from a transformed hitoforce that is being carried on a final resting place of existence.

Fundamental Additional Remarks:


H. Poincaré

H. Lorentz
As matter and motion concepts cannot possibly be confused one with another, so are their corresponding energy concepts --the substance energy of matter (aka, the material energy) and the energy of motion (aka, the mechanical or kinetic energy) of a mass (with mass defined as the object's quantity of matter). Those two concepts not only that they cannot possibly be confused one with another, but also that they cannot be transposed one into another.
. Henri Poincaré's mass-energy formula E=mc2 and his "principle of relativity" of 1904 was lifted in 1905 by Albert Einstein and introduced into his Special Theory of Relativity (STR) without any reference to Poincaré's work. No coherent meaningful physical proof of that implausible formula was ever been provided by Einstein nor, for that matter, by anyone else.
. That the (internal, ingrained) energy of a block of mass (defined as the quantity of matter per its volume) can somehow be calculated from a formula containing the speed of light c is to us such an absurdity that no person, in his/her normal state of mind, could ever fall into such an unfathomable abyss.
What possible association, relationship, correlation or connection could exist between the substance energy of a mass and the speed of light?
To be able to entertain such a question, one indeed must fall and enter into the arena of the Absurd as only there that kind of question can possible reside. (Such absurd
association of the speed of light could only be surpassed by the one with the Giza Pyramid of the ancient Egypt!)
The mathematical proof that subsequently emerged for the noted mass-energy formula E=mc2 was designed for the kinetic and not the material energy and, it was based on a relativistic foundation initiated by Hendrik Lorentz incorporating mental kinetic frames of reference. Those mathematical transformations performed through that mental framework, known as the Lorentz transformations, which Poincaré considered them to be of "supreme importance" laid in fact the foundation for Poincaré's stated "principle of relativity."
.That stated mass-energy mathematical formula E=mc2 that now incorrectly is being attributed to Einstein is, at best, a fictitious mathematical formula that has nothing to do with the reality of Nature as it was derived from mathematical and not physical frames of references that exist only in our Mind, but absent in Nature.
.To extrapolate a mathematical result (derived from a mental kinetic frames of reference foundation) to a physical reality describing Nature is indeed an act of shear insanity as the fundamental laws Nature exist and operate independently of our own existence, much less of how we, humans, see or perceive its reality from our various mental frames of reference that we can create independent from the physical reality of Nature!

[Indeed, the Advanced Mathematics has no concern whatsoever over the physical reality of Nature as its theories are build upon foundations that may have nothing, but absolutely nothing, in common with the physical reality of Nature!]

.Furthermore, a kinetic foundation cannot possibly be transposed to represent a formula for calculating the inherent internal substance energy of matter, i.e., for calculating its ergoenergy (erE). Indeed, the substance energy of a material block need not be a function of its state of motion or rest nor of whether it is being referenced to a particular mental frame of reference compared to another!
.. In TRUTON, the mass-energy equivalency is divided (or dissected, if you will) into two distinct components:

an external one, where mass (or better, inertial mass) is being associated with its external motion in space leading to the equivalency of (inertial) mass with its kinetic energy; and
an internal one, leading to the (noted below)
matter-ergoenergy equivalency, where mass is associated with its quantity of matter, as a substance, leading to the equivalency of matter with its internal energy. That equivalency springs from the recognition that the fabric of matter (as oppose to prematter) is ingrained, from its birth, with ergoenergy (erE).
E=mc2 --An Energy Formula of the Absurd

EinsteinEinstein's attributed energy formula E=mc2 (that was first introduced, as noted, by Henri Poincarè) purporting to show the equivalence of energy with mass is, as noted above, an exercise into the Absurd. How the speed of light c could possible have anything to do with the energy E of an arbitrary mass m is anybody's guess. Do we have any takers? 
.      BTW, By that lunatic energy formula, particles (such as photons) whose mass is assumed to be zero, will have arguably zero energy [sic!]. How more absurd it can get?


On the Predisposition of Matter (Predma) in the Embryonal Nature (Embryna)

As already recognized, the Collision carries with it an underneath non-observable agent --the hitoforce (hF). Through that agent, as we have seen, how the ergoenergy (erE) was able to be created in the fabric of both the material world (creating the xenofluid) and in the non-material field world (creating the xenovoid). Thus, both the xenofluid (XF) and xenovoid (XV) are endowed with energy. The recognition that energy can be a substance (xenofluid) and also a field (xenovoid) is remarkable indeed. With that recognition at hand, we can now introduce the concept of embryonal matter (eM).

The concept of prematter (pM) introduced in the previous page and mentioned above in our first paragraph was defined as being the admixture of the xenobase (XB) and the absolute vacuum (AVA) and, we wrote that symbolically as: pM={XBAVA}. Prena (pN) now could be defined as the entity whose sole ingredient is the prematter.

Embryna Now, we define the embryonal matter (eM) as being the admixture of xenofluid (XF) and ergovoid/xenovoid (erV/XV) and write this symbolically as: eM={XF, erV/XV}. The fundamental characteristic of eM is that it is endowed with energy --the ergoenergy (erE). Now, with the introduction of eM, we define the embryonal Nature (eN), called Embryna, as the entity evolved from Prena (pN) whose ingredient is the embryonal matter (eM ) and nothing else. Prena now can be viewed as being the primeval Nature entity.

We stress again of the dramatic difference between the prematter (pM) and embryonal matter (eM) which is that the embryonal matter, as oppose to the prematter, is endowed with ergoenergy (erE).



The fact that the
embryonal matter (eM) is infused with ergoenergy (erE) whose incarnation is the ergofield (erF) whose tendency is to decompress to its ergobase (erB) state, it follows --by the 7th UTPOT-- that the behaviour of the embryonal matter (eM), and thus of the matter itself, is dictated by the stated tendency of the ergofield (erF). And that recognition is most remarkable indeed, as now we can talk about the given brute matter's predisposition (gupem) of residing at the xenobase (XB) state of existence --the baselevel (BALE) state, renamed the ergobase (erB), that is the bottom of its ergosea (erS).

That predisposed (gupem) conduit of matter, that is not xenorigid (XR), is being now recognized into


The Eight Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (8th UTPOT):
Matter's Ultimate Baselevel Conduit --the Basevolution


Unlocked compressed xenosubstance (cXS) has one singular predisposed conduit --that of reaching and staying at the baselevel (BALE) state, called also the ergobase (erB) state. We call basevolution that ultimate baselevel conduit of matter that is the Downlev law which, as noted, has its substratum in gupem.





.1. Xenofluid's basevolution, in its simplest form of expression, is vested in its stated renormalization (RENO) tendency to decompress in accordance to the existence of fordec that is being channeled through the existence of the ergoforce (erF).
.2. Because of RENO, the xenofluid (XF) will acquire a resistance to compression (RECO) that is consistent with a resistance to change (RETOC), limited in strength, as formulated in the posted resistance limit mark of creation (RL-UMOC).
.3. As recognized, the ergolib (erLib) of the ergobase (erB), that is the state of the xenobase (XB), is null.

The First Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (1st FUSON):
VS. Basevolution

Evolution, is nothing but the continuous struggle against the basevolution. Thus, evolution can only occur when and where basevolution is being able to be defeated. The farther away the evolution is from the baselevel line, the higher the evolution is said to be. Evolution, at all time, must be able to keep in check and overcome basevolution.

The recognition that the
ergolib (erLib) is the ultimate coalescent of Nature (coaleson) is now being recognized
1) as the ergo facet of the 4th FURON through
The Foundational Complementary Facet of the 4th FURON: Ulticom
Ergolib as the Ultimate Communicator (ulticom) of Nature

BOCCODEErgolib (erLib)), by being the integral part of both mattter and motion without which they could not exist independently, represents the ultimate substratum and common denominator (CODE) through which the ultimate bridge of communication (BOC) between them is being established, making it, therefore, as the ultimate communicator (ulticom) of Nature.

2) as the ergo facet of the Principle of Matter-Ergoenergy Equivalency:

Both the embryonal matter and ergoenergy (erE) are deriving their existence from the same primal agent --the Collision, the primeval agent of creation (PAC). As such, they are said to be equivalent in rapport to their origin of existence. In a formal way, we say that matter and ergoenergy are equivalent modulo their existence.

We have defined regular mass as the quantity of regular matter in a body. As such, from the mass-ergoenergy equivalence, we infer that the mass of an object is a measure of its ergoenergy content.

and finally
3) as the Downlev agent:
The Sixth
Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (6th FURON):
Ergolib as the maker of the Ergo Median Platform of Nature (EMPON)

Ergolib (erLib), by being an integral part of "unfrozen" matter and thus, by subscribing to basevolution, it will channel its ergoflow (erFLO), by Downlev, to create a common median ergodense (erD) platform, called ergo median platform of Nature (EMPON), between the high and low ergodense objects that are in contact. We call ergoleveling that process creating EMPON.


. The simplest example of EMPON is the temperature flow and transfer between "hot" and "cold" objects in contact or confined into a closed system. More subtle examples of ergoleveling EMPON processes will be revealed when the proton-electron and proton-proton interactions are to be studied in a not too distant page.

2. EMPON is the result of an ergoleveling flow, called ergoflow (erFLO), dictated by Downlev. We have called ergodynamics (erdy) the study of the erFLO dynamics.

3. The ultimate EMPON is the baselevel material platform, called BASEPON, representing the xenobase (XB) platform.

Finally, we note that the recognized baselevel predisposition of existence for matter (gupem) needs to be expanded to incorporate the other component of ergoentity (erEN) --the ergovoid (erV). Thus, with that expanded recognition, we have arrived at the global ergoentity predisposition of Nature (gepon) that incorporate both environmental ergo-media:

the material medium (vested in the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium], and

the non-material medium [vested in the ergovoid (erV) medium].

That baselevel
gepon will channel both ergo-media to reach their respective baselevel (BALE) states: the xenobase (XB) and the xenovoid (XV), respectively. With that new vista, we are able now to see that Downlev, RENO, and basevolution are all equivalent in Nature modulo gepon.


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Kalman Klim Brattman