Throughout the
entire mankind's existence, the
properties of Nature, without
exception, were discovered
through observations and
experiments which were
catalogued and classified in
accordance to certain patterns
that were noted to exist. To
each such pattern discovered,
hypotheses were associated which
were further refined and tested
to determine whether a logical
link could be established among
such hypotheses and whether they
could be reduced to an
underlying common denominator.
Physical theories of Nature were
born out of such intellectual
Sir Isaac
Newton, in a letter written in
1672 to Henry Oldenberg, the
Secretary of the Royal Society,
articulated this process of
discovering 'things' in Nature
as follows:
the best and
safest method of
seems to be, first
diligently to
investigate the
properties of
things and
establish them by
experiment, and
then to seek
hypotheses to
explain them. For
hypotheses ought
to be fitted
merely to explain
the properties of
things and not
attempt to
predetermine them
except in so far
as they can be an
aid to
experiments. If
any one offers
about the truth
of things from
the mere
possibility of
hypotheses, I do
not see how
anything certain
can be
determined in
any science; for
it is always
possible to
hypotheses, one
after another,
which are found
rich in new
Wherefore I judged
that one should
abstain from
hypotheses as from
a fallacious
argument, and that
the force of their
opposition must be
removed, that one
may arrive at a
maturer and more
explanation." [Underline
by I. Bernard Cohen
in Isaac Newton's
Opticks (Dover
Publications, Inc.,
1952, pp. xxiv-xxv).
Werner Heisenberg's
Observational and
That inward discovery
method of Physics, from
observations and experiments to
the creation of a theory,
encapsulated so eloquently by
Newton, reached however an
insurmountable impasse when it
arrived at studying the atomic
and subatomic worlds. It was Werner
Heisenberg who first
recognized of an inherent
limitation posed by Classical
Newtonian Physics when one
begins probing the atom and its
structure. The problem, as Heisenberg noted in 1927,
was that when we perform
experiments at the atomic and
subatomic level, regardless how
careful we are, we will
inevitably create and introduce
and uncontrollable
perturbations, making
therefore the results and the
data obtained highly unreliable.
his, now classic book, "The
Physical Principles of the
Quantum Theory"
(Dover Publications, 1949,
p. 3), Heisenberg made these
critical observations:
[In] classical
physics theories
it has always been
assumed either
that this
interaction is
negligibly small,
or else that its
effect can be
eliminated from
the result by
calculations based
on 'control'
experiments. This
assumption is not
permissible in
atomic physics; the
between observer
and object
and large
changes in the
system being
... The immediate
consequence of
this circumstance
is that in
general every
performed to
determine some
quantity renders
the knowledge of
others illusory,
since the
perturbation of
the observed
system alters
the values of
If this
perturbation be
followed in its
details, it
appears that in
many cases it is
impossible to
obtain an exact
determination of
the simultaneous
values of two
variables, but
rather that there
is a lower limit
to the accuracy
with which they
can be known."
Zeitschrift für
Physik, 43, 172,
observer effect (as it
is known today) was further
illustrated by Heisenberg in his
1933 Nobel address and lecture.
There, he most beautifully
illustrated of the imposibility
in studying, through
observations, the "electron-path
concept" by providing a
thought experiment with having
"a microscope of extreme
resolving power."
Attempting to observe "an
electron in its path within an
atom" with that imaginary
high-power microscope,
Heisenberg noted:
experiment of
of light was
used by
Heisenberg in
since the specimen
in this microscope
would have to be
illuminated with
light having an
extreme short
wavelength, the
first light
quantum from the
light source to
reach the electron
and pass into the
observer's eye
would eject the
completely from
its path in
accordance with
the laws of the
Compton effect.
Consequently only
one point of the
path would be
experimentally at
any one time."
Heisenberg: "The
Development of
Quantum Mechanics"
Nobel Lecture,
December 11, 1933,
pp. 291-292.
The Dark
1. In other words, in
order to able to see the
electron in that dark, murky
zone, we must need to illuminate
that place with light!
And when we do that and turn on
the light, the traveling
photons of the light
will interact with existing
electrons, perturbing in that
process "big time" the entire
terrain that is being observed.
As such, that big
"uncontrollable perturbation"
created will alter significantly
the studied landscape making
therefore the entire experiment
completely unreliable and thus
call that monumental
recognition, Heisenberg's
Observational Indeterminacy
Principle (HOIP),
mentioning again that originally,
Heisenberg used the word "ungenauigkeit"
("indeterminacy") to
describe his
recognition that in the
English-language version,
incorrectly, was translated as "uncertainty."
Remark on
original HOIP
needs not be
confused with the
today's evolved,
degenerated, and
totally different
proposition known as
the Heisenberg's
Principle (HUP)
which proclaims that
the position
and the momentum
of a particle cannot
be precisely
because of the
particle's wave-like
nature [sic!].
to that hypothesized
the more precisely
the position of
a particle could be
determined to be,
the less precisely
its momentum
could be obtained,
and vice versa
such an hypothesis,
that is derived from
a mathematical
inequality (which
stands as a pillar
of Quantum
Mechanics), could be
accepted without the
existence of a
physical causality?
evolved and
principle of HUP is
now no longer about
the inherent
indeterminacy caused
by the observer's
inherent intrusion
(due to the "large
created within the
system by the
viewer's act of
observation as
brilliantly noted by
but is about an
claiming to be the
result of the
wave-like nature of
such, through that
irrespective of the
intrusion, the
uncertainty of the
measurements must
occur because of the
inherent wave-like
characteristic of
the matter itself
[sic!]. However, on
the other hand, it
is now universally
accepted (and proven
for electrons in page 10),
that electrons in
addition to their
wave-like nature,
have also a
nature. And that
dual concomitant
particle-wave nature
of electrons (and
thus of matter),
makes the
proclamation of HUP
of Quantum
Mechanics), a
proposition of the
Absurd as it negates
the particle
characteristic of
the matter's nature.
That initial
observational barrier that Heisenberg, through his HOIP, has recognized
to exist for Particle Physics,
leads now to the recognition of
the existence of an Ultimate
Bottom Observational Frontier
(UBOF) of Nature that
is encapsulated into

The First
Recognition Of
is an Ultimate
Frontier (UBOF)
beyond which,
Nature is no
and Remark:
Nature, at its
nano-scale base
structure, as
first recognized
by Werner
cannot be
observed without
modifying or
altering in a
significant way
its existing
is to say that the
true, accurate
picture of Nature,
at its nano-scale,
cannot be obtained
through any
probe because,
illumination, we
are interfering
and destroying the
original existing
upon attempting to
"see" that
landscape of
Nature, we
invariably need
illumination which
in turn requires
turning on the
light. And by
introducing light
into the system,
that, in itself,
will change,
interaction, in a
dramatic fashion
the entire existed
configuration that
is being studied.
the inherent
process of
illumination, and
nothing else, is
the culprit of
that inherent
distortion of the
reality governing
the nano-structure
of Nature. Without
the illumination,
we need therefore
finding a new way
of "seeing" Nature
at its nano-base
ultimate level of
existence, and
that new way can
be provided by
Fundamental Corollary of Classical
By the 1st FURON, it follows that the methods of Classical Physics in
obtaining its
results can no
longer be
beyond UBOF.
By those reasonings
springing from Heisenberg's
HOIP, the future of
experimental Particle Physics
could have been put to an abrupt
end --something that no one
could have accepted. As such, in
a hurry the same Heisenberg came
to the rescue.
Completely out-of-the-blue,
Heisenberg transformed his HOIP into something
completely different postulating
that a fundamental
characteristics that exists at
the particle-level of Nature is
that, there, the position
and the speed of a
particle cannot be determined
simultaneously with any
controllable precision.
According to
Heisenberg's revised postulate,
known as Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle (HUP), we can measure
one or another of that position-speed
pair, but we can not
measure both simultaneously with
any precision. And that apparent
peculiarity was attributed to
exist in that particle
nano-world called now the
quantum world. That
out-of-the-blue rather bizarre
postulate, in spite of the
strong opposition received from
various prominent physsicists,
began gradually in gaining
traction and acceptance chiefly
because of the elegant
Mathematics that it was able to
be covered with. That Uncertainty
Principle eventually
become a foundational pillar of
a "new" Physics --the Quantum

Is that Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle (HUP) a far-fetched
assumption representative of the
particle world or is it
something else? Well, upon
pondering over that rather
fundamental question,
accidentally, a flying butterfly
was able provide the initial
We note that
when the butterfly stay still,
with ease we can determine its
exact position. However, as the
butterfly begin to fly, its
erratic motion will create a
challenge to keep up determining
its position and that challenge
increases significantly with the
increase of its speed. So the
correlation between speed
and position become
apparent: the greater the speed,
the more difficult was to
determine its exact position.
So, yes, we see
merit in Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle (HUP): the faster a
particle will move, the less
precise the measurement of its
position can be determined. We
thus, have no problem in
elevating HUP to

Inverse-Order Observational
Conjecture (HIOC):
and speed
a moving object
are influenced by
each other in an inverse-order
when attempting to measure them simultaneously, the
precision of
varies inversely
with their
speed: the
is the speed,
is the
precision in
the object's
So, HIOC tells us that
the higher the speed of an
object is, the lower the
precision in determining the
object's position is going to
be. Is that all, that we can
say? Not really. And that is
because, for millenia,
Heisenberg's HIOC was well known
in the animal kingdom!! Indeed,
let us take, for instance, the
lions. They continuously are
facing Heisenberg's HIOC when chasing
the nearby zebras. Upon
locking-in on a zebra for the
kill and, as the zebra begins to
run away, increasing its speed,
its stripes will generate an
optical illusion for the chasing
lion to a point where zebra's
position can no longer be
determined with any precision.
That is WHY lions have such a
hard time in catching the nearby
BTW, that rather
remarkable study
with zebras was
first published in
the Zoology Journal
by Martin J. How
(of Australia, now a
Royal Society
University Fellow at
University of
Bristol, UK) and Johannes
M. Zanker (of
Royal Holloway
University of
London, UK) under
the title "Motion
camouflage induced
by zebra stripes."
[(v. 117, issue
3, June 2014, pp.

authors argued in
that zebra article
that "the
observer's visual
system is flooded
with erroneous
motion signals that
correspond to two
well-known visual
the wagon-wheel
effect (perceived
motion inversion due
to spatiotemporal
aliasing); and
barber-pole illusion
direction of motion
due to the aperture
effect) and predict
that these two
illusory effect act
together to confuse
biting insects
approaching in the
air [as
illustrated and
supplied by us in
here of a butterfly
with a stripe
pattern, animated
figure at left], or
possibly mammalian
predators during the
hunt, particularly
when two or more
zebras are observed
moving together as a
Well, so much
about optical illusionary
effects. The question that
inevitably now arises is this
What Heisenberg's HIOC and visual
illusions have to to do with
the fundamental Physics
describing Nature, in the
first place?
The short answer is of
course, nothing, but absolutely
nothing. The study of sense
perceptions (senpers), as
interesting as it may be, lies
indeed outside the realm of
fundamental Physics and, as
such, Quantum
whose pillar is Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle (HUP) needs to reside
indeed outside of the realm of
fundamental Physics.
Respectfully, we make no mistake
about that.
Time is long
overdue indeed to properly place
Quantum Mechanics (that purports
to describe Nature at its
base-level state of existence)
to its proper place. And that
proper place where Quantum
Mechanics actually belongs is a
place away, far away, from the
realm of fundamental Physics.
How humans perceive or can
observe Nature is surely a most
interesting subject, but which,
most certainly, is not a subject
of fundamental Physics and
again, respectfully, we make no
mistake about that.
the Birth of Quantum
Mechanics through
and Its
Connection to
Einstein's Special
Theory of
That profound
recognition of Heisenberg that
Classical Physics, through its
existing inductive method, was
not able to probe Nature at its
atomic and nuclear level as
noted in the 1st FURON, posed a
formidable challenge for the
direction of Physics. A rational
person, in a normal state of
mind, would have concluded that
experiments designed of probing
Nature at its atomic and
subatomic levels are useless
because the data obtained are
highly corrupted and
uncontrollable. But such a
scenario --dictated by Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle (HUP) was not
something that could stand
regardless of the rationality
involved. As such, something
else had to be added.
Well, with no
other alternative available to
be pursued, a radically new
approach was coined by
Heisenberg to be the solution
were logic and rationality need
no longer reign supreme as the
irrationality --under certain
circumstances-- was quite useful
and thus allowed to enter into
the realm of the "new" Physics called now the
Physics to be
differentiated from "classical"
Physics were no such
impurities of logic were allowed
to exist.
lunatic Special Theory of
Relativity (STR) suddenly become
extremely appealing to
Heisenberg not because of its
results that were meaningless
and unusable in Heisenberg's
Quantum Mechanics, but because
of the irrational modality that
those results were obtained.
Particularly, Heisenberg has
been impressed with the fact
that Einstein's theory of
relativity (which had gained
some momentum for its general
acceptance) was based on an
approach incorporating those
two (2) novel
that when needed,
hypotheses can be
created in a hurry,
with no immediate
rationale for their
existence, to
justify the
incorporation of
results (such as
that the speed light
is the maximum speed
attainable in the
Universe), and place
them --ad hoc-- at
the top of the
theory, claiming to
fundamental and
universal "laws of
Nature" and,
that when
in an impasse and
difficulty to find a
coherent picture and
theory of Nature, we
can always find
refuge in blaming
our Mind for its
inadequacy in not
being able to grasp
Nature at its most
fundamental levels
of existence on the
grounds that our
Mind and Brain
biologically evolved
only to deal with
"things" derived
from our everyday
Accordingly, by
that incredulous
reasoning, when
dealing with matters
outside our everyday
experience, the Mind
--through its
limitations-- is not
able to render
descriptions of
Nature or form a
coherent mental
picture, and thus it
is perfectly
acceptable, as a
matter of necessity,
to introduce
irrationalities and
incoherencies into
such descriptions
and theories of
Tell that cockamamie to a mathematician that our current cultivated Mind cannot render logical
outside the
world of which
we have no
experience and
which we
cannot observe
and see, for
yourself, the
answer that
you may get
after the
insanity is
being ruled
Heisenberg saw that approach
pioneered by Einstein as the
ticket to the solution for his
problem. Following Einstein,
Heisenberg elevated his Observational
Indeterminacy Principle (HOIP) to the
extraordinary status that it
represented an ultimate "law of
Nature" and gave to it a new
form vested in a mathematical
expression. Also, following
Einstein, Heisenberg blamed the
Mind and its purported
(biological) limitation for the
necessity of introducing an
incoherent language for
expressing and describing
phenomena at the atomic and
subatomic levels. In several
places of his quoted book, Heisenberg
articulated all these points as
In his
Introductory chapter (ibid., pp. 3-4),
Heisenberg noted:
starting-point of
the critique of the
relativity theory
was the postulate
that there is no
signal velocity
greater than that of
light. In
a similar manner,
this lower limit
to the accuracy
with which certain
variables can be
simultaneously may
be postulated as a
law of Nature (in
the form of the
relations) and
made the
starting-point of
the critique which
forms the subject
matter of the
following pages. These
relations gives us
that measure of
freedom from the
limitations of
classical concepts
which is necessary
for a consistent
description of
atomic processes." [Underline
The linkage in approach to
Einstein's relativity theory was
essential for Heisenberg to
justify and consolidate his own
position as he noted of this (ibid., p. 62):
the advent of
relativity theory it
was necessary for
the first time to
recognize that the
physical world
differed from the
ideal world
conceived in terms
of everyday
Then, with this linkage to
Einstein's relativity theory
being established, Heisenberg
went for his desired setup
alluding to the inadequacies of
the Mind when dealing with
profound concepts of Nature such
as the one posed by the
relativity theory ((ibid., p. 62):
... but
as the mind is
always slow to
adjust itself to
an extended range
of experience and
the theory of
relativity seemed at
first repellently
Nonetheless, the
simplicity of its
solution for a
vexatious problem
has gained it
acceptance. As is
clear from what has
been said, the
resolution of the
paradoxes of
atomic physics can
be accomplished
only by further
renunciation of
old and cherished
Most important of
these is the idea
that natural
phenomena obey exact
laws --the principle
of causality." [Underline
Now with that setup being in
place, Heisenberg went in full
force for the kill, attacking
mercilessly the Language
provided and developed by the
Mind as being wholly inadequate
when dealing with the atomic
world (ibid., p. 11):
is not surprising
that our language
should be incapable
of describing the
processes occurring
within the atoms,
for, as has been
remarked, it was
invented to describe
the experiences of
daily life, and
these consist only
of processes
exceedingly large
numbers of atoms.
Furthermore, it is
very difficult to
modify our language
so that it will be
able to describe
these atomic
processes, for words
can only describe
things of which we
can form mental
pictures, and this
ability, too, is the
result of daily
mathematics is not
subject to this
limitation, and it
has been possible to
invent a
mathematical scheme
--the quantum
theory-- which seems
entirely adequate
for the treatment of
atomic processes;
for visualization,
however, we must
content ourselves
with two incomplete
analogies --the wave
picture and the
Pondering over that nagging
"schizophrenic" representation
vested in the duality
particle-wave picture,
Heisenberg blamed this situation
on Language as well! (ibid., p. 10):
and matter are both
single entities, and
the apparent duality
arises in the
limitations of our
language." [sic!]
With this everything was set, in
terms of justification and
explanation, to proceed
embarking into a new theoretical
world pioneered by Einstein,
where anything conforming to a
willy-nilly mathematical scheme
can be accepted as a theory of
the atomic and subatomic world
regardless of whether or not the
results obtained have any
meaning, sense, or any physical
rationality for their existence.
mathematical scheme and not
the Physics was what counted
in this description. The fact that
this description, from time to
time, as needed, would stray
away from logic, coherence,
common sense, or rational
intuition and rational thinking
was perfectly acceptable due to
the limitations of the Mind and
Language which were so zealously
professed to exist. Since no
formal constraints existed in
this new theoretical world
anything could have been added
to the existing "mathematical
scheme" until we could reach
"explaining" the desired result.
Heisenberg's initial uncertainty
principle based on the
recognition that all
experimental data at the atomic
and subatomic level carry
"uncontrollable large
uncertainties" let him transform
this recognition into a vehicle
for transporting us into a new
world free from the constraints
and limitations that Logic,
Common Sense Intuition, and
Rational Thinking would provide
--a world called the quantum
mechanics world. And
Heisenberg noted of the
blessings that this new found
world could provide were his
Uncertainty Principle was able
to be incorporated as one of its
pillars (ibid., p. 4):
relations gives us
that measure of
freedom from the
limitations of
classical concepts
which is necessary
for a consistent
description of
atomic processes."
Sadly, the only "consistency" in
the descriptions provided in
this new quantum mechanics world
was that there those
descriptions no longer needed to
have any physical meaning
associated with them and, that
they could be expressed into a
Language that defies our common
sense and rationality. Yes,
there, in that world, we can
enjoy --for whatever it is
worth-- an absolute "freedom
from the limitations of
classical concepts."
Now, that
Einstein's relativity theory had
served its purpose for setting
up a new framework for the
theoretical studies at the
atomic and subatomic level --the
quantum mechanics framework,
Heisenberg saw no need to be
tied up anymore with Einstein's
theory which could no longer be
used in any other way. For
Heisenberg it was time to move
on, not before however
dismantling one of Einstein's
most sacred physical principles
of Nature embodied in the law of
causality and formalized first
by Isaac Newton in his seminal Principia.
Heisenberg made note for the
necessity of such a move in his
Introductory chapter of his
referenced quantum theory book (ibid., p. 2):
the theory of
relativity makes the
greatest of demands
on the ability for
abstract thought,
still it fulfills
the traditional
requirements of
science in so far as
it permits a
division of the
world into subject
and object (observer
and observed) and
hence a clear
formulation of the
law of causality.
This is the very
point at which the
difficulties of the
quantum theory
Let us then take a closer look
at this dramatic departure from
both Classical Physics and
Einstein's relativity theory
which Heisenberg had advocated
to be necessary to take place in
order to "understand" the atomic
and subatomic worlds.
the Abolishment of
Causality in the
Quantum Mechanics
To Follow from
Uncertainty Principle
Since we cannot
predict the outcome of an
experimental result at the
atomic and subatomic level, we
can no longer talk or associate
here any meaning to the
cause-effect relationship since
to a cause, according to
Heisenberg, we no longer can
associate one determinable
effect as now this principle is
being substituted with an
uncertainty effect dictated by
his Uncertainty Principle. And
because of this, in turn,
according to Heisenberg, we no
longer can talk, in a meaningful
way, about the exact laws of
Nature as they need to be
substituted with laws dictated
by the mathematical Theory of
Probability. Heisenberg made his
argument on the necessity of
abolishing the deterministic
view of Nature (that to each
cause it corresponds a well
defined effect) as follows (ibid., pp. 62-64):
our ordinary
description of
Nature, and the idea
of exact laws, rests
on the assumption
that it is possible
to observe the
phenomena without
influencing them. To
coordinate a
definite cause to
a definite effect
has sense only
when both can be
observed without
introducing a
foreign element
disturbing their
The law of
causality, because
of its very nature,
can only be defined
for isolated
systems, and in
atomic physics even
isolated systems
cannot be observed.
This might have been
foreseen, for in
atomic physics we
are dealing with
entities that are
(so far as we know)
ultimate and
indivisible. There
exist no
infinitesimals by
the aid of which an
observation might be
made without
among the
imposed on a
physical theory is
that it must explain
all phenomena as
relations between
objects existing in
space and time. This
requirement has
suffered relaxation
in the course of the
development of
physics. ... Now,
as a geometric or
description of a
process implies
observation, it
follows that such
a description of
atomic processes
precludes the
exact validity of
the law of
causality --and
has pointed out that
it is therefore
impossible to demand
that both
requirements be
fulfilled by the
quantum theory. They
complementary and
mutually exclusive
aspects of atomic
phenomena. ... This
indeterminateness of
the picture of the
process is a direct
result of the
indeterminateness of
the concept
'observation' --it
is not possible to
decide, other than
arbitrarily, what
objects are to be
considered as part
of the observed
system and what as
the observer's
apparatus. ...
Even when this
arbitrariness is
taken into account
the concept
belongs, strictly
speaking, to the
class of ideas
borrowed from the
experiences of
everyday life. It
can only be carried
over to atomic
phenomena when due
regard is paid to
the limitations
placed on all
descriptions by the
principle." [Underline
A rational person analyzing
Heisenberg's arguments based on
this formulation of his
Uncertainty Principle, clearly
is impressed by the depth of
this principle, but not by the
consequences that are inferred
to exist. Surely, just because
we cannot determine with
precision the effect to result
of a given cause, this does not
mean that there is no
deterministic relationship
between the respective cause and
its corresponding effect.
The only thing,
that a rational person can
conclude is that the method
employed in forecasting the
result (or the effect, if you
will) is not capable to render
an exact solution. But just
because our method is deficient
in forecasting with exactness a
result this does not mean the
result will not occur exactly
when it should.
You see, Nature
could care less whether or not
we can keep up with the
complexities of its behavior.
Just because we cannot predict,
with our forecasting method,
when and where exactly rain will
occur on Earth this does not
mean that in fact rain will not
occur exactly when and where the
conditions for the rain are met.
That distinction
is paramount and it can never be
blurred away. To bypass and
override that distinction,
Heisenberg, as we have seen
above, has elevated --with no
rationality or any sort of
justification-- his Uncertainty
Principle to the ultimate
status, by postulating it, to be
a "law of Nature."
But that
approach clearly cannot be
supported for a rational theory
of Nature. And that is because
deterministic cause-effect is
always present in Nature
regardless of our abilities of
being able to predict it or
not, regardless of whether we
have observed it or not,
regardless of whether we exist
or not! If the input is the
cause and the output is the
effect, then in Nature always
to each input will correspond
a determined and precise
The input can be
a sum of many individual
'actions' acting simultaneously
which could be independent or
dependent (linearly or
non-linearly) from each other,
and the output of this is the
cumulative superimposed effect
or 'reaction' obtained which
always manifests its existence
in a deterministic way whether
we can predict it or not.
With that
language and terminology
employed, we have that
to a superimposed cumulative
action always a deterministic
reaction will correspond which
will manifest its existence in
a precise and well-defined
that realization, on a further
reflection, is in fact a
generalization of Newton's Third
Law of Motion which states that
to every (linear) action there
is always opposed an equal
(linear) reaction.
existence of a reaction to
every action is due to the
fact that the reaction is
nothing more, nor less, than the
concrete expression of a real
relationship that the
action has established with
its surrounding environment.
It is of
paramount importance to further
recognize, beyond a shadow of
doubt, the following:
there is no distinction
between how Nature operates at
large scale (the macro cosmos)
or at the most minute scale
(the micro cosmos).
that is because there is one, and only one, logic upon
which the entire Universe
"functions." If that would not
have been the case, then an
internal self-conflict would
have developed resulting in the
inability of the Universe to
exist, as a unit, and thus of
the Universe's inability to
exist at all. And second,
2) That the
logic upon which the
Universe "functions" is one
and the same with the logic
upon which our Mind is
"equipped to function" as illustrated
through countless of examples
that can be provided from our
everyday experience.
To recapitulate,
there is one and only one
universal principle of operation
in Nature:
each real, physical
cause it corresponds
a real, well-defined
physical effect
which is the real
form of
manifestation and
expression of the
cause's existence.
The effect is always
the real
manifestation of the
that the cause has
established with its
medium. Depending on
the initial
conditions, that relationship can
be a simple or a
complex one, but
always a
deterministic one.
Let us conclude
with this Part by noting that if
Uncertainty Principle was truly a
principle of Nature governing
the atomic and subatomic
systems, then we, for instance,
would never could have been able
to build an atomic bomb or use
atomic energy in any
deterministic and precise way!
No, Nature does not employ or
function on uncertain terms or
uncertain principles. The only
uncertainties that we can
associate to a phenomenon of
Nature are our own predicaments
derived from our particular
method of forecasting. But that
is, of course, an entirely
different thing.
No rational
theory of Nature can be based on
a foundational pillar
proclaiming that to a defined
physical cause there will not
necessarily correspond a
deterministic effect, as that
contradicts, in a fundamental
way, our way of thinking, our
way of drawing inferences. Our
evolved cultivated Mind will not
allow for such an inference to
take place. Just because we
cannot predict in a
deterministic way the effect
resulted from a cause OR that we cannot
even "see" the respective
effect, this does not mean that
a deterministic effect does not
in fact exist. As we have seen
from the presentation given
above, it is a fundamental
recognition that in Nature to
each action always will
correspond a reaction which
will manifest its existence,
in a deterministic way, either
directly or indirectly.
Any theory
purporting to be a theory of
Nature which does not subscribe
to that fundamental principle,
is a theory, par excellence, of
the Absurd. That is why Quantum
Mechanics is par excellence a mechanics
of the absurd (MOA).
Mechanics theory, having as its
foundational pillar a negation
of that fundamental principle of
Nature through Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle, is an
example, of such "par
excellence" mechanics of
the Absurd (MOA). It is
imperative that Quantum
Mechanics theory, which is
disguised under the coat of
advanced Mathematics, no longer
be permitted to represent the
atomic and subatomic theory of
Nature and be exposed for what
it stands for, for what it is,
and for what it is purported to
An intellectual
standing against Quantum
Mechanics theory must be made,
as the continuing acceptance of
that irrational theory of Nature
represents, in the final
analysis, first and foremost, an
affront to the Mind's cultivated
intelligence and, to its ability
to comprehend in a rational
manner, the atomic and subatomic
level of organization of matter.
staggering consequence that
immediately follows from
Heisenberg's Uncertainty
Principle, when elevated as a
fundamental law of Nature, is
that a particle, at the same
time, can be in two (2)
different places!
That absurdity, which offends
the Mind in a direct flagrant
way, was needed to be accepted
since according to the
proponents of Quantum Mechanics
theory, there, at the atomic and
subatomic level, Nature is
governed by different rules
which may appear to the Mind as
inconsistencies of logic.
P. A. M.
Dirac, another founder of
Quantum Mechanics theory
articulated this very point in
the Preface of his classic book
The Principles of Quantum
Mechanics (Fourth Edition,
Oxford Press, 1958, pp.
vii-viii) as follows:
has become
increasingly evident
in recent times,
however, that Nature
works on a different
plan [sic!].
Her fundamental laws
do not govern the
world as it appears
in our mental
picture in any very
direct way, but
instead they control
a substratum of
which we cannot form
a mental picture
without introducing
irrelevancies." [Underline
proclamation that Mathematics
should dictate
should never ever
There is a
floating joke
around, for a
number of decades,
of how
view physicists
that use solely
Mathematics for
their theoretical
That absolute nonsense, which
has been embraced almost
blindly, as an act of some
faith, by those who preach
Quantum Mechanics theory, as
representing a principle of
Nature, cannot be left unexposed
as it represents the greatest
impediment to a true theory of
Nature describing the atomic and
subatomic level.
It bears
repeating and repeating, again
and again, that there is one,
and only one, logic upon which
the Universe "functions" since
if this would not been the
case, then an internal
"functional" conflict would
have had emerged making it
impossible for the Universe to
exist as a unit. And that
logic, upon which the Universe
"functions," is identical with
the logic upon which the Mind
"functions," as illustrated
through countless examples
derived from our everyday
Because of that unity in logic,
for the Nature's modus
operandi, that we
recognize to exist, we are
striving to find a true
rational unified theory of
Nature (TRUTON). It is
because of that recognition,
that the Quantum Mechanics
theory must be expunged, as
being utterly repugnant, at its
very core of existence. The
so-called quantum logic
(quantogic) is par
excellence an example of a
logic of the irrational reaching
the level of the Absurd (Absurdogic).
Following that quantogic, we immediately
can recognize its fallacy. For
instance, following that quantum
logic, we can now talk say, of a
table being in two (2)
distinct places at the same
time! That very point, of the
absurdity of such type of
results, was articulated, for
instance, by Sir Roger
Penrose of
Oxford University in England, in
an interview with The New
York Times, as follows:
can think of a[t]
least one major
area, which I'm
absolutely sure is
missing from the
present-day physics,
which probably will
come in the next 50
years or so, and it
will be a tremendous
revolution. It has
to do with how to
understand quantum
mechanics. See,
quantum mechanics
phenomena -- atoms,
particles. And if
you have certain
rules, which if you
try to apply them to
large objects, they
give you nonsense.
They will tell you
that a baseball can
be here and there at
the same time.
are endless ways
that people try to
argue around this.
But to me, it says
that the theory is
just not right ..."
Section of The
New York Times
of January 19, 1999,
p. D3, or on
the Internet at
Not only that the hocus-pocus
Quantum Mechanics theory
represents a wrong theory of
Nature based on wrong principles
and sustained with faulty and
irrational arguments devoid of
any physical meaning, but also
and foremost it represents an
intellectual affront and a sham
with no parallel in the entire
recorded history of science. In
fact, we do not mind repeating Richard
Feynman's candid
reflection that:
TRUTON's Bottom-Up
Path of Discovery
It is the purpose
and scope of TRUTON to establish
a rational foundation
for understanding Nature from
one single principle, law,
cause, or "logic" of operation.
The method employed here, never
used before in the form
presented herein, is modeled
from Mathematics where we start
with certain primary
propositions, called axioms, and
then using rational thinking
--and only rational thinking--
an entire theory is build up.
Mathematics (where those axioms
can be any proposition
that cannot be derived from
anything else and cannot lead to
rational contradictory results),
in TRUTON --The Rational
Unified Theory Of Nature,
those primary propositions, in
addition, must have physical
roots and connotations that
cannot "offend" our given common
sense provided by our
cultivated Mind which herein
reigns supreme.
Our modeled
mathematical method of
discovering things in Nature,
should not be confused with the
long standing method of using
Mathematics as a tool in
deriving results of Nature. We
will not use Mathematics per se,
but instead we will use its
deductive outward method
of how it obtains its results
and nothing else.
TRUTON therefore
is, par excellence, a deductive
rather than an inductive theory
of Nature. The rationale and the
necessity of its deductive
approach springs from the
recognition of Heisenberg that
the inductive method of
Classical Physics is no longer
capable of furnishing us, reliable
results, when we begin
studying the atomic and
subatomic level of existence of
Since the
mathematical method of
discovering things will be our
guide, let us begin our
contemplated journey with some
basic preparatory work. No
matter what branch of
Mathematics that we may wish to
consider for our guidance, they
all are guided by the same
methodology in deriving their
respective results which is:
- start
with some primary
called axioms, to
satisfy these
two (2) basic
i) that they could not be derived from one
another nor
from anything
else; and
that they do
not lead to
- establish
some primary
relation or law
that the primary
"elements" will
then, finally
- build
up all your
results by
rational deductive
reasoning from
that primary
relation or law.
To help us in
our guidance, let us zoom our
attention at Geometry and, for
simplicity, at the Euclidean
Geometry that is most familiar
to a great majority of people.
In the modern
treatment of the Euclidean
Geometry, we note that
mathematicians start with
undefined primary
elements such
as point, line, and
undefined primary
relations such
as the 'on' relation
as in "the point
lies 'on' the line."
Then, this set of undefined
primary elements and relations
are being subjected to a set of
primary, unproven propositions
called axioms which need to be
logically compatible i.e., not
leading to contradictory
results. From there, using the
rational deductive reasoning,
the entire Geometry is build up.
Well, in most general terms,
that shall be our blueprint for
creating, from the ground up,
our new theory of Nature
rational deductive
road which we are
choosing to pursue,
from the bottom up,
in studying Nature
is a road which has
never been traveled
before and, as such,
extreme caution is
necessary. As noted,
so far in Physics
and for that matter
in the rest of
Natural Sciences,
throughout the
entire history of
physical science,
the direction of
theoretical work was
done, if you will,
we started with the result (provided by observations or
and went
attempting to
find an
for the result
In Mathematics, on the other hand, as we have noted, the
method of
results has
been exactly
in the
being, if you
will, in the
direction: you
start with
called axioms
and then you
work your way
"up" deriving
results which
are build up
from the
results and so
on. It is this
direction from
the ground up
that we shall
attempt to
initiate as
the new
direction of
With that directional
blueprint in hand, before
we begin in earnest with our trutonian
journey, we want to have
at our disposal, also for
guidance, a foundational philosophical
blueprint --the subject of
the next undertaking.